Library of Congress Scholarship Scheme

Enhance your research with up to six months of study at the largest library in the world.

The Library of Congress Scholarship is a prestigious scheme run jointly between the AHRC and the ESRC. The scheme offers the chance for AHRC/ESRC funded doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows and research assistants to access the internationally renowned research collection at the Library of Congress.

The scheme is not limited to those researching American studies. With more than 142 million items on 650 miles of bookshelves and 10,000 new items added each day, you are sure to find material relevant to your research. Previous successful applicants have researched topics as diverse as: The Roman Empire; The Conservative Party and the Extreme Right; Investments and Human Rights; African-American Intellectual; The Highland military in the British Atlantic World and Exploring of Physicality and Virtuosity in the Concertos of Kaija Saariaho and Magnus Lindberg.

Potential applicants can access the Library of Congress collection catalogue by clicking on the following link –

The Library of Congress Classification outline can be found here -

The successful applicants will receive a stipend towards their flight costs and a monthly allowance in addition to their normal monthly stipend paid as part of their award holder funding.