A college degree is vital to obtaining a good job with a strong salary, though the cost of higher education rises higher every year. Fortunately, African American women with strong grades and the desire to succeed can apply for a multitude of scholarships to assist with the cost of tuition and help them achieve their dreams and goals by becoming college graduates.
Unitrin Career Agency Companies Scholarship
African American women planning to attend a historically black university or college can apply for the Unitrin Career Agency Companies Scholarship, sponsored in part by the United Negro College Fund. The annual scholarship is worth $5,000 to be used toward tuition and expenses at a historically black institute of higher learning. Applicants must have at least a 2.5 GPA and their legal guardian or parent must have an insurance policy with Mutual Savings, Union National, United or Reliable to qualify.
United Negro College Fund
P.O. Box 10444
Fairfax, VA 22031
African American women planning to attend a historically black university or college can apply for the Unitrin Career Agency Companies Scholarship, sponsored in part by the United Negro College Fund. The annual scholarship is worth $5,000 to be used toward tuition and expenses at a historically black institute of higher learning. Applicants must have at least a 2.5 GPA and their legal guardian or parent must have an insurance policy with Mutual Savings, Union National, United or Reliable to qualify.
United Negro College Fund
P.O. Box 10444
Fairfax, VA 22031
uncf.org Jackie Robinson Foundation Grant
Named in honor of America's first African American major league baseball player, the Jackie Robinson Foundation awards college grants to deserving minority students every year. The foundation states its awards are designed to "mold (recipients) into dynamic leaders with a commitment to public service and Jackie Robinson's humanitarian ideals," and promises a "rigorous selection process" which involves essay questions and an interview. Grant winners can receive up to $7,500 to be used at any accredited college and are provided with transport and lodging for an annual Scholars Networking Weekend, which offers leadership workshops and internship assistance.
Jackie Robinson Foundation
1 Hudson Square
75 Varick Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10013