AHP Fellowships in Ghana University, Africa

The African Humanities Program Fellowships under the auspices of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), University of Ghana and funded by the Carnegie Corporation has launched its 2011 fellowships at the Africa Wetlands at the University of Ghana.

This year’s awardees came mainly from Nigeria. My own lecturer–the woman who supervised my work as an undergrad–Dr. Jemima Anderson of the department of English at the university of Ghana was named as the 2010 ‘Award Winner – Ghana’ for her research which she is to undertake titled Politeness: Some Perspectives from Africa. As a fresh convert of Pragmatics (i got converted while working on the project Structure of Politeness in Women and Men in Radio Phone-ins), I’m a real fun of the woman.

The gathering is about the largest collection of real scholars contributing to the African body of knowledge that I have ever been privileged to be among. Listening to some of the Dissertation Fellows and Post-Doctoral Fellows outline their work, largely focusing on methodology, I couldn’t help thinking about when I’ll get back in there again with my own research. The reviewers’ comments on the draft proposal, those that did not win the awards, were informing.

The Conference will end tomorrow with a special dinner for all award winners, Fellows, Invited Senior Scholars and ACLS Representatives.
The AHP Fellowships accepts applications in December each year and awards academics who want to do research that will lead or contribute to the body of knowledge in Africa.