The University annually offers up to ten Travel Scholarships, of a value not normally exceeding £400 each, for undergraduate students in the second year of their course. These awards are designed to assist students to travel, during the Easter or Long Vacation immediately following the receipt of the award. The journey should relate to the applicant's area of study, but at the same time should not represent an integral or required part of a particular course. Applications, which must include an indication of the specific purpose for which the award is sought, should be submitted to the Academic Registrar in accordance with the conditions described in the notices publicising the competition. These notices are usually made available in the Autumn term.
Additional grants, for travel to ancient sites, are offered annually from the Sheila Spire Fund. These awards are open to first- and second-year students, and are advertised alongside the Travelling Scholarships. Proposed projests need not relate to a student's course of study, but successful applicants must be able to demonstrate that the travel has a serious academic purpose.
The following travel reports are from Ameri